Initial Book Review – Gabe Wyner’s Fluent Forever

In a recent post I shared with you a couple of excellent articles on how to accelerate learning Spanish. Found on Tim Ferris’s blog, one was by Benny Lewis and the other was by Gabe Wyner. If you have not had chance to check either article out, then I suggest you go and have a…
Memory, Remembering and Recall And Other Things I’d Forgotten!

So yesterday I started on my journey again by looking at the news. I created an exercise to read the news, and then explore the key words I identified. I then did a bit more reading around the subject and discovered Gabriel Wyner on Tim Ferris’s blog. I bought his book and also invested in…
Two Fabulous Articles On How To Learn A Language

As you will have picked up from some of my previous posts, I am a little frustrated with my lack of progress. I am certainly happy with my level of activity but I am not convinced I am necessarily being efficient or effective. I have had a long standing professional interest in accelerated learning. And as…
Learning Spanish – Starting With The News

It’s time to get started now I have worked out what my initial Learning Spanish plan of action is going to be, and identified what online resources I am going to use. It is part of my plan to become familiar with the language. So 10 minutes will be spent on reading the news, 10…
Learning Spanish – Creating An Immersion Learning Environment Part 2

Now in my previous post on how to create an immersion learning environment, I waxed lyrical about a lot of things. How having too much choice means we make no choice at all. I am still faced with lots of things getting in the way of me really starting to learn Spanish. That immersing myself…
Learning Spanish – Creating An Immersion Learning Environment Part 1

The confusing thing when faced with so many options of how to learn Spanish, is what medium to choose and where to start. Inside, the perfectionist in me wants to go and find the absolutely perfect approach to learning a language. I really want to understand the absolute best way to become at least functional,…
To Speak Spanish You’ve Got To Stop Thinking In English

As human beings, we are predisposed to do what is comfortable for us. In fact there is a part of our brain that hard wires in our routines and habits so we don’t have to think about doing them. That is a survival tactic to help conserve vital energy levels. Which means we don’t like…
I Feel I Am Struggling To Make Progress on My Learn Spanish Journey

So here I am at a country house hotel up in beautiful Cumbria and it is 0720 in the morning. I am not far from some of the most stunning scenery in the UK. I am here at the start of a busy running a seminar for a client. One of the challenges I know I…
So What Happens Now?

This morning I got up and put a Spanish Language podcast on in the background as did my morning stretch. I think this is going to be really helpful. Though in reality, I think I am just doing something without really having a way forward on what to do. There is so much to learn…
And So My Learning Spanish Journey Begins

And so the journey begins. Almost immediately after setting the intention to learn to speak Spanish, I am back out on my travels as I deliver training programmes to clients around the country. To make things easy for me, I have gone back to an old faithful resource – My Michel Thomas Spanish CD. Michel…